In line with our sustainability strategy and the potential impacts of the climate issue on business, we have sought to increase our efficiency in the use of natural resources and in the control of emissions from the production chain.
To mitigate the effects of climate change, we have an Environment Policy that includes the BRF Climate Change Program. The program considers from our emissions inventory, mitigation measures, up to our adaptation and ability to analyze the risks and impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our value chain.

We are members of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program and follow the methodology for calculating our annual greenhouse gas inventory. Our atmospheric and GHG emissions are subject to a management model that complies with environmental legislation and good practices in the markets. The GHG inventory is audited by an external company, which includes the analysis of the calculation tool, the base data used to calculate the emissions, as well as on-site visits to gauge the information used, which issues a verification letter attesting to the information. With this, we present this letter to the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, which recognizes the inventory with the Gold Seal.

Our volume of GHG emissions is concentrated in the value chain, especially in agriculture and logistic processes. In operation, we have a large proportion of renewable energy and an environmental management system that results in a lower emissions profile.
BRF also has planted renewable forest as a carbon stock. It has a positive impact on the environment, contributing to climate regulation and mitigating the impacts generated by its own activities.
Check out the BRF Annual and Sustainability Report for more details on the Climate Change Management Program.