
All fattening pigs are free to move within the facility.

Since 2012, BRF has been committed to adopting a collective gestation system as a mandatory rule for all of the Company’s expansion projects.

Adjustments to its current integration system started in 2014. Implementation is taking place gradually. Further information can be found at Our commitments.


No tooth-clipping or grinding on piglets. Grinding will only be carried out in extreme cases where the sow’s welfare is affected.

Also, 99% of castration is performed through immunocastration (non-surgical, non-invasive technique using vaccines without side effects). Surgical castration is performed for a small group of animals (around 1% of males) intended for a specific product range. The procedure is carried out until the animal’s third day of life.

90% of BRF’s farms have used some type of environmental enrichment for pigs in at least one crate. The most used materials are: metal chains (69.33%), followed by plastic gallons (44.48%) and pieces of wood (26.12%). Fattening pigs are left free in the crates with access to water and food.

In 2020, 100% of the farming advisors started to use equipment for euthanasia in the field and more than 220 farming advisors received training to use the equipment. This is a special distinguishing feature and a demonstration of BRF's commitment to animal welfare.

Porcos se alimentando

Through its global animal welfare program, BRF stipulates that the maximum housing density for pigs in its facilities and those of integrated partners should be 0.33kg/m² for the nursery vertical system and 0.95m²/100kg for pigs in the finishing phase, following the European directive that is considered one of the best in the world. 100% of the animals housed in the nursery phase are within the maximum density stipulated.


100% of the animals are stunned before slaughter

Pigs are housed in resting crates for resting purposes, with access to water and monitored temperature. 100% of the animals are examined upon receipt at the plant and are managed by personnel trained on animal welfare.